"If you're not a liberal by age 20 you have no heart. If you're not an anarchist by age 30 you haven't any mind left!" -JR Hager
"Stop praying for help to come from the outside,
meditate to see the help from the inside." -JR Hager
"When they can't make sense, they make violence." -JR Hager
"I'd rather be illegally healthy and alive than
legally sick and dead." -JR Hager
"Right is right no matter who's doing it, and wrong is wrong
even if everybody's doin it." -JR Hager
"Imagine staging an alien invasion and the
audience didn't show up!" -JR Hager
"Hello, life is here, get your head the hell out of your
phone and answer the call!" -JR Hager
"Ya know, people will vote for 'Hitler' just because
she has a vagina!" -JR Hager
"Who would ever think a 'young' person could think so 'old'!"
-JR Hager (Marco Rubio and Marijuana legalization -
"Young Americans are pushed around in strollers, old Americans are pushed around in wheelchairs, and in the middle we are just plainly pushed around .... for how long?" -JR Hager
"I prepare my taxes on April 1st for obvious reasons." -JR Hager
"You aren't getting anywhere till the skeptics
call you a quack!"-JR Hager
"The more I know about humans, the more I love our animal friends." -JR Hager
“No matter the country we live, without Health and Liberty
we have nothing.”
-JR Hager
"It's a beautiful day no matter the weather or
who's ever ass is in the white house!" -JR Hager
"The only reason
that you got fired or divorced was because there's better horizons for you." -JR
"Nothing that comes out of a hospital is any good
.... except you!" -JR Hager
"'We' can't handle the truth.... ()>* .... not to say that
it won't happen." -JR Hager
"People WERE more interested in the functions of their church, than the functions of their Earth .... now look at us!" -JR Hager
"Religion is a distraction and poor excuse for spirituality."
-JR Hager
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