Time for a Woman President !

Hey gals, ya think it's time for a Woman president of this here USA? I say 'gals' because my facebook 'rings off the hook' with women going 'ga ga' after a post about the 'Hildabeast' - I mean Hillery - running for office. (gives me chills)

"It's about time we get the job done." "We can run the home and balance a checkbook, we can do this job." "It aint harder than raising a family." There were a few guys that commented, "I voted for her the first time around and I'll gladly vote for her again," but most of the guys just played it safe and clicked 'LIKE' and scrolled on. My comment was, "don't you think our Country is 'dumbed down' enough, jeez babes. You want more of the same business, only in different clothing? Do you think a women is immune to bad decisions? Look at all of Hillery's bad decisions. Now, you want more of her drama, on top of everything else going on, in our precious White House!" .... there were no reply's after my comment. And no surprise.

I was under the impression that women out there would vote for a candidate in a dress whoever was wearing it. (can you picture Rand Paul and Gary Johnson in drag) (can a Scotsman count as a candidate)

I should hope people learned from last election not to vote for something that is only skin deep, and instead look at the real identity of the person they are putting there one precious vote for. If you don't know who the hell the person is and wonder how they got so far without any identity, don't be a sheeple and vote for the puppet. For pity sake, have more respect for your Country.

Well, if it must be a woman for ya then let me introduce Jill Stein. And this really turned me on about her. She was arrested for walking onto the campus where the Commission on Presidential Debate was hosting the 2012 debates. As she puts it, she was locked up for threatening to disrupt “the incredibly boring experience of Obama and Romney agreeing with each other.” I didn't hear that from the Obama media. No surprise.

“We could actually have it all. There is a system that works, and it starts with democracy and respecting our civil liberties.” -Jill Stein

Looking through her cabinet members at http://greenshadowcabinet.us/members I was pleasantly surprised to find Patch Adams as her Assistant Secretary of Health for Holistic Health .... cool ~! ..... and I didn't see a Drug Czar anywhere .... awwwwwwwww.

Just happen to think here: we weren't, and still aren't, able to get this kind of 'bio' for the president we have in our Oval Office now. I say, "we don't know 'Jack Shit' about him" and he's running, or trying to, our lives!

Jill Stein has my vote, but don't tell Rand Paul, even if he is still in drag.

Vote for one, get one free !

And here's a bonus for you ladies. If you (we) make Jill 'President Jill Stein' there is super bonus waiting behind the curtain. Jill Stein's running mate is also allowed to wear dresses and other womanly gear in public places. Her name is Cheri Honkala, and what a woman she is. I must tell you about her first:

from http://greenshadowcabinet.us/member-profile/8581

Cheri Honkala was born into poverty in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She grew up watching her mother suffer from domestic violence that she quietly endured for fear of losing her kids. At the age of 17 her 19 year old brother Mark, who suffered from mental health issues committed suicide. He was uninsured and could not afford to get the help he needed. At the time of Mark's suicide Cheri was a teenage mother living out of her car and going to high school. Despite her difficult upbringing she graduated high school.

Cheri and her son Mark (named after her brother) lived in and out of places eventually becoming homeless after the car they had been living in at the time was demolished by a drunk driver. Mark was 9 years old and Cheri could not find a shelter that would allow them to remain together that winter so in order to keep from freezing Cheri decided to move into an abandoned HUD home. She then began working to help other poor families and became a pioneer in the modern housing takeover movement. For the past 25 years Cheri Honkala has been a leading advocate for poor and homeless in America. She co-founded the Kensington Welfare Rights Union and the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign. She has organized tens of thousands holding marches, demonstrations and setting up tent cities.

Click HERE to hear the podcast!


 .....like slow suicide for our Country ~! ..... I remember the constitution and America .... you?

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