You can use your pee for fertilizer !

"Wait a minute, you want me ....
.... to do what with my ... ?" Then after he told me, "right, hey cousin, I think you've been over medicating yourself out there."

He went on, "I kid you not. I wouldn't lie to you, dude," he replied. "I've been using it for years, and you've seen how healthy and lush my plants have been."

Granted, I've never seen plants so full, green and happy. When I was there it seemed like they were fake, they were so healthy looking, looked like something out of Better Stoned and Gardens. I was only there for a few days, but I swear they grew five inches in that time, well, maybe it was the altitude.

Using urine as fertilizer has a centuries-old history, and if you think about it; of course urine is good for plants, we have a symbiotic connection with this earth. And you can't get a more renewable organic resource than urine. It has the perfect combination of plant-growing nutrients and would also save water and chemicals when kept out of the sewage stream. Urine has the ideal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium: the three nutrients that are required by all plants.

Hold on there, pull up your pants, before you go out in the yard and start pissing on your plants. There are some instructions you'll have to follow, the golden rules, if you will.

1. You have to collect fresh urine daily. Keep a plastic container in the bathroom to use instead of flushing it. Fresh urine is almost sterile and does not smell and does not carry bacteria. Keep your container lidded tightly and change containers frequently.

2. Do not save your urine more than 24 hours, it begins to break down and create higher amounts of ammonia levels that are not good for plants. After this time the urine will begin to smell bad. Fresh urine generally does not smell. And don't worry if you like strong foods like garlic or asparagus, they will not harm the plants.

3. It is best to mix urine in the ratio of one part urine to ten parts of water. This dilutes the urine's nitrogen level enough for use on young or tender plants. Using urine full strength will burn tender plant leaves. Use the ratio of one part urine to five parts of water when your plants are older and well acclimated.

4. Water around the roots of plants with the diluted urine fertilizer. Try not to splash on leaves or fruits, it may burn them. This dilution will allow you to water daily and it can be used in container plants and hanging baskets as well. Water until the soil surrounding the plants' roots is saturated, but do not allow plant roots to sit in puddled urine fertilized water.

5. Frequently check on the growth of your plants. If leaves start to look yellowish or the plant looks like it is struggling, dilute the urine fertilizer further to prevent the plant from receiving more nitrogen than what it needs. If fruiting plants grow lush vegetation but no fruit, this means that it is getting too much nitrogen, and you should cut back on the amount of urine fertilizer you are giving your plants.

Urine can also be used: a winter spray for fruit trees, to discourage fungal diseases... as a compost activator. The nitrogen in urine will speed up the composting process and kick start your heap.....full strength and urine can be used as an organic weedkiller.....and it will eliminate your pest problem in one dose.

Ya-no Yur Stoner  ~when skunk road kill doesn't smell all that bad to ya ! 

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